EMDaCS for industrial customers Market price analysis transparent
and in real time
Do you find your way through the thicket of energy procurement as a customer with recording power measurement? Constant price movements make it difficult to find the right time for procurement. But that's over. Keep an overview, simply, automatically - with EMDaCS.
EMDaCS: Market price analysis simply digital.
With EMDaCS, you calculate a qualified price forecast for electricity and gas based on your individual consumption profile and the current exchange prices - within seconds and with just a few clicks.
You then observe and monitor the energy prices of any profile in the historical course via web application. You define the price limits at which you want to be informed. This way you keep an eye on the energy market for your load profiles.
What EMDaCS can do

Price calculation
in real time
EMDaCS calculates electricity and gas prices in real time using data from the energy exchanges. This means you are always up to date. Tedious research for optimal electricity and gas prices and tough comparative offers are now a thing of the past.

Transparency thanks to
price history
With EMDaCS, you not only have access to current energy exchange data. You can also observe historical price developments in your dashboard. This gives you the maximum overview for the best possible decisions.

Fast and secure
Energy procurement
Energy procurement is necessary but often tedious. Let EMDaCS monitor your prices. This will speed up your energy procurement and you will always know the current market price - not insignificant in price negotiations!
How EMDaCS works
As an industrial customer with recording power measurement, upload your specific load profile in a user-friendly digital platform and create qualified forecasts for subsequent years. Based on your profile and current exchange data, EMDaCS determines the current market price in seconds. In addition, you can track the historical price development for your load profiles in EMDaCS.
In this way, you save costs, time and nerves by automating the tedious research and matching process - with EMDaCS.
Experience EMDaCS in action now -
and get the full picture in the energy market!
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